domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009

When I have fears that I may Cease to be

I think that the first step before reading a poem is looking at the title. As part of my reading process I did it. So, I immediately realized that the author was pessimistic about his life and terrified of something.

According to what we have seen in this course, Romantic authors put emphasis on nature in every sense. That is why we, as human beings are included in a part of this nature. The poem read is based on fears, doubts and wishes and it deals with the value of nature and the way it influences and inspires our way of seeing things.

My question is why the author is so scared of passing away? In the poem “When I Have Fears that I may Cease to be”, written by John Keats the feeling of fear has an explicit meaning. It mainly has to do with death. The author is afraid of dying because he wants to be remembered forever.

If we really want to achieve something, we must be able to overcome fear in order to become stronger! Neither the scariest idea can make us their slave…

1 comentario:

Clau dijo...

Good question!!! part of what makes us humans is the fear of death...some people like Keats seems to worry more about what you may not be able to accomplish instead of live life...if one of your future students is like Keats, what would you do to help him/her out?

Take care,

Claudia Carreras