martes, 28 de abril de 2009

What women love most?

Thinking on the tale, the protagonist was just living as she wanted to. She had five marriages and they did not were successful. In spite of this, she enjoyed life. It is important to mention that Chaucer through the main character was breaking the model of what was considered normal for those times.
The wife of bath’s tale starts with the question what is the thing that most women desire? This is difficult to answer. I mean, it does not have just one answer. It may have a lot of responses because women are totally different from what men could think.

We love most to be independent for taking our own decisions and having our own space. We like to be considered with the same rights than men. In spite of our weaknesses, we can be as strong as men and to overcome difficult situations.To conclude, what we most like is to be understood, listened, loved and be respected.

La fuerza de las mujeres depende de que la psicología no pueda explicarla. Los hombres pueden ser analizados; las mujeres sólo pueden ser amadas. (Oscar Wilde)

sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

T r u t h

First, it is important to mention that I enjoy reading poems because I consider that poetry is a meaningful way to express all what we have in mind.
This poem received the name of “truth” because Chaucer wanted to demonstrate that as a society we should improve our behavior to find the right way to be free. Because by helping others we can recah the salvation.

According to the phrase “for greed entails hate and social climbing uncertainty” he may refers to all what we do has a future consequence. So, he is advisin us to stop commiting bad actions in order to live in pecae with our peers. Now, thinking about the religious implications, I would say they are easy to find. The previous phrase is appropriate to represent that not hurting others we will be saved.

Why Chaucer says: Restrain yourself from giving advices to others but then he claims what is sent you, receive in obedience. This kind of contradiction makes sense to me because we need to be aware that every day life brings diffciult situations. So, it is important to struggle against them without fear to live in truth being a good person.

miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

My definition of an epic poem!

We are travelling through a long trip called Literature. During this journey, we have stopped in an interesting topic "the epic poem".

For me an epic poem is a piece of writing in which we can find ficitonal facts which are described by the author. It also includes the narration of heroic achievments that important people have lived in the past.